as summer finally arrives, and yet seemingly within a single breath, seems to be slipping away into the realm of translucency...with a breath, a whisper and a blink of an eye, it is gone. Fortunately it is not yet, but sure as hell will be soon. All too soon! I love the fall mind you, but I sure am not ready for summer to end. Hell no! It seems as though the thoughts are just flowing and yet instinctively, one must start thinking about and conjuring up thoughts of fall, comforting dishes, braises full of love and the like. All good right? No...wait! What about heirloom tomatoes? Garden Beans? Cepes and Baby Summer Chanterelles? Ripe Berries and Stonefruits? You get the message. If not, you must be in a different part of the country where the hurricanes are, or perhaps a whole different part of the world in freakin Iceland or something. Cool enough...some are into that. Here are some thoughts provoked...ideas contemplated and suggestions considered...just a thought...
green zebra tomatoes, basil air, triple cream chevre terrine, tomato film
grilled white donut peach relish, foie gras, cacao nib-hazelnut waffles, cherry salt
scallops, truffles, cepe brulee, corn milk, bacon brittle
nectarine crisp, pecan-muscovado crumble, noyaux ice cream, apricot nectar caramel
chanterelle-garlic-foie gras "pithivier", grilled porcini salad,
charred yellow taxi tomato vinaigrette, px drizzle
korean pork belly, kimchee laced garden bean-baby carrot salad,
spicy baby octopus-chorizo dressing
foie gras-milk chocolate "bon bon", raspberry-anise hyssop reduction,
hazelnut espuma, smoked white pepper
lobster mushroom fricasee, corn-bacon mashed potatoes, sous vide egg, olive oil
a nice, simple, kick ass, piled high, out of control ripper burger
...with bacon and foie gras of course!