
Need To Realign...

seared foie gras terrine, cacao nibs, chocolate gel, fig stuffed profiteroles, peaches, anise hyssop
bourbon-maple dressing
corn pudding, chanterelles, zucchini ribbons, savory spiced brisket ice cream
cappuccino emulsion, roasted corn
daurade, garden beans, truffles, green garbanzo beans, truffle mashed potatoes,
honshimejii mushrooms, fava bean emulsion
pluot sorbet, lemoncello celery, gains of paradise, lemon curd, black sesame-rice wafer
black and white "still life" of veal cheeks
veal cheeks in action...
lobster mushrooms, apples, polenta, farmer onions, huckleberry essence 
The summer is gone. A distant memory. Faint. Elusive. Shadowed in the darkness of fall. However...Fall cooking rocks! It kicks ass really. As our ingredients come bellowing in daily, I get the strong urge to realign. Realign with the season and the moment. To get into what is here and now. The summer is a fun time for cooking for sure. Posted within is a tribute to the final fallen. What will be next on the horizon? Who knows. Lets see where this leads me.


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