
Business or Pleasure...

Or is it business at the cost of pleasure? I think the latter these days. Everything is business, business, business. And I get it. It has to be. It needs to make sense...it needs to be profitable...it needs to make money! So...at the end of the day, one looks back and asks.."did it and was it worth it?" Did it fucking make money while being kick ass or did it just get by and in the wake of things, suck all the life from us chefs and restaurateurs only to cut costs and quality and drown out the creativity, passion and freedom to do what we love to do and what our inspiration drives us to do and hopefully what our passion is? Unfortunately for some...these are dark and dismal times in the restaurant world and that window of uninhibited creativity, cooking with a free spirit, and crafting dishes and flavors is closing only to come knocking on the door to reality. A chef is not just a cook, i know this. He or she is businessperson, a marketing director, a catering manager, a sales generator, a human resources manager, a craftsman, a teacher, a mentor, a priest, a father or mother, a coach, and the list goes on. Chefs are visionaries. Creators. Somewhat psychotic but giving. They create memories. They see the need to serve and to create and to make people happy. That is why we do what we do. That must never die. Once it has, the vision is lost, the love is gone, and the passion and desire to make the best possible meal and memory for someone can not happen because it is then all about the numbers...aka the dollars! A vicious cycle for sure and one that will most surely always exist as long as the economy is where it is. I myself understand both, have a good head for both, but also the desire, the passion and the commitment to make sure one does not favor the other. To all the chefs out there...keep the faith and hold onto your dreams. In good food and cooking...


Anonymous Mark DuMond said...

Don't let the number-crunchers get you down, Chef. Also keep in mind the dollar-nibblers are there whether the economy is good or bad. At the place where I've been working the past year, I've launched several new "exhibition" cooking stations and have found people will actually pay a little more for food that's cooked in front of them instead of scooped out of a vat. Granted, we aint no Rainier Club, but the fact remains that people want good food! Keep your chin up --- good times are ahead of us...

5:27:00 PM  
Blogger cuisinier said...

i try not to. this is also for all cooks and chefs out there that may feel this way. I do not always write in the first hadn, yet sometimes in the second and third party...just depends. This time...I feel it. best to you...

12:33:00 AM  

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