
Sydney, day 5...

In the sense of the word; confinement! All of us except yours truly are under the weather down under. It's like our Disneyland nightmare all over again, yet not quite as sever. Let's just say that we all had a bug that we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy...well, maybe a little bit. Between trips to the pharmacy, the internet cafe and the Aussie post to send back some food treasures (see day 4), there just didn't seem to be the opportunity, in good taste anyway, to go eat(no pun intended). So most of the day and night, we were feeling victims of a medical "lock-down", confined to watching rugby, news and vice President Cheney's motorcade swoop past our hotel. Highlights after some personal reflection, appear to be a "degustation" menu via room service (rib eye, crispy potato wedges, salad, steamed vegetables and tiramisu) while watching Devil Wears Prada...still- can't complain about being in Australia. Yes, being sick is uncomfortable, but no matter how you look at it, we are in Sydney and enjoying life. My food experiences thus far are amazingly, yet not surprising, turning out to be that of "at any point" in my life~ there are good times and bad, great days and terrible ones. There are days when the kitchen can't seem to put out any dish less than royalty worthiness, and those that it is all we can do to keep our heads above the stock. There are so many things that contribute to great cooking, and to think that moods, weather, mental stability, body and soul, biorhythms and the like don't play a part, is clearly naive and irresponsible. This is a part of life. The fact that I am 7500 miles and 14 hours away makes no difference. Keep the faith, for tomorrow is a new day where new ideas, concepts and experiences are to be found.


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